About Me


I have over 4 years of experience as a software engineer, and have worked at both small startups and large organizations. While I'm a proficient full-stack developer, my expertise is in building scalable backend services (API services, stream processing, and async mechanisms).

I love music, dance, reading book, hacking and playing cricket. I contribute to open source projects at leisure. I would love to pursue challenging opportunities which contribute to a better tomorrow for all of us!

What is in my skill set?

I am a full stack developer with extensive experience in system administration. I have played with a lot of tools and toys. However, I would call these my primary skills:


You can call me a dedicated Python Developer. I love all things Python. I have 3 years of working experience with different Python tools and toys.

  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Flask
  • Celery
  • BeautifulSoup

Front End :

I have mostly worked as a backend developer during my career over the past 1-2 years. But I have had my share of front end development too. I am definitely not a kickass front end ninja but I do know more than enough HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build decent Web UIs and mobile applications.

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Dom
  • Json
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Css Grid
  • CSS Flexbox
  • Sass/Less

I am learning ES2018 and beyond for writing cleaner codes.

Mobile application:

Building iOS and Android Apps Using React native

Tool Set:

I know git and work on OS X. I am also a big fan of Docker and find it a painless solution to develop and deploy my applications. I have working experience with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLs as well. I will not only build your app but also deploy it to cloud providers like heroku, Digital Ocean, or any VPS. I am a believer in code quality and follow the best practices. I use Jetbrains IDEs for optimum productivity and cleaner codes. I believe every developer should write unit tests before starting to write business logic. BDD and TDD are my super secret ninja skills against bugs.

While I am mostly focused on Python, and Javascript, I love learning new technologies and adapt new tools to solve challenging problems. I have decent expertise in these tools too:

Redis: I have used it as message queue, cache and data store.

Golang: I am a big fan of it’s concurrency model, simple syntax and a nice standard library. I have written several command line tools in the language. Cross compilation and the go fmt tool is a big plus for me.

What do I want to learn next?

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Design Patterns in Python

How can I add value to your business?

I have a very keen interest in growth hacking. I try to understand the business process and add values to both customers and the business. I assume ownership and lead by example. I think out of the box and bring novelty to the table.

I translate the business requirements into agile software development practices and stride to achieve enhanced value creation for all of us!

Community Engagement

  • Python Bangladesh
  • Talk.js
  • BASIS Student's Forum DIU Chapter
  • Bangladesh Innovation Forum
  • Django-community -DIU