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Adding push Notifications with Firebase messaging and Notifee in React Native.

Push notifications in mobile development is a must-go step which any developer who wants to engage his audience needs to implement. In React Native, Notifee is the default solution when implementing rich push notifications in React Native. It has more than 1.3k and is actively maintained. This article will cover how to implement push notifications with Firebase messaging and Notifee In React Native.

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Releasing New Update on Android

Step 1 : Go to package.json file and increase version

Step 2 : npx react-native-version --never-amend

Step 3 : Go to android > app > build.gradle check version code & others

Step 4 : Go to android directory and Build APK or aab file

Step 5 : ./gradlew assembleRelease

Step 6 : ./gradlew bundleRelease


./gradlew clean

./gradlew build